Set up SSL for SolrCloud

As I am highly dependent on official documentation, I found that Apache Solr maintain an awesome documentation from which I learned a lot. Setting up SSL can be found here. I am writing this for easier step by step setup. Happy Searching! Generate certificate & key From the official documentation, you can generate a self-signed certificate to test your setup. But for the trusted authority, generate a certificate and convert it to ....

March 13, 2023 · 2 min · 354 words · by Loknath

Setting Up SolrCloud for Production

I wasn’t familiar with SolrCloud when I started working with this. When I started to learn it and working directly with it - I had done so many mistakes. Even setting up SolrCloud for production was a hassle for me (I’m a slow learner). But overtime, I got a hang of it and I think writing an up-to-date guide to set up SolrCloud on production server is a good idea....

July 28, 2022 · 4 min · 724 words · by Loknath

Making custom badges using

When I wanted to customize my GitHub profile, I visited many developers’ GitHub profiles. I saw some badges which seemed cool to me. When I looked at the code behind the shapes, I didn’t know what was happening. Later, I tried to copy some of the code and paste them into my code, but it couldn’t solve the need. After some reading and searching, I understood how to make them. I am writing this post as a reference so that one can understand how to make those badges, including me....

March 18, 2022 · 3 min · 455 words · by Loknath

Setting up Codeblocks with Freeglut on Linux

In my Computer Graphics class, the teacher asked us to setup Codeblocks for the glut. She gave us a tutorial on how to setup Codeblocks on windows but didn’t provide any suggestion to set up on Linux. After some searching on google, I was able to setup Codeblocks with Freeglut (which is an alternative to Glut and available on Linux). This is a kind of writeup (or tutorial) on how I was able to setup Codeblocks with Freeglut....

February 6, 2021 · 5 min · 975 words · by Loknath