When I wanted to customize my GitHub profile, I visited many developers’ GitHub profiles. I saw some badges which seemed cool to me. When I looked at the code behind the shapes, I didn’t know what was happening. Later, I tried to copy some of the code and paste them into my code, but it couldn’t solve the need.

After some reading and searching, I understood how to make them. I am writing this post as a reference so that one can understand how to make those badges, including me.

The first thing we need to do to make badges is to find if the logo image is available for shields.io. I use simple icons site. You can search for the logo to see if it’s’ available on their site.

Step 02 : The URL

If the icon is available, we are ready to start building badges. The first part of the URL that will precede all your badges is given below:


Following the first part, we are going to add a dash (-). After the dash, we will write the name which we want to be appear on the badge (case-sensitive).

Suppose, we want to write Linux on badge:


To write more than one word, we need to add %20 instead of space:


Step 03 : The Color

We need color for our badge background. The shields.io accepts named colors and hex codes. Some of the named colors are: green, brightgreen, yellowgreen, yellow, orange, red, blue, lightgrey, grey/gray, success, important, critical, informational, inactive, black, blueviolet, etc.

For some more named colors and hex codes, see here.

To add the named colors or the hex codes, we need to add a dash (-):


On Simple Icons website, you will find the official color (and hex code) for that specific icon which can be used.

After finding the logo, it’s time to add the logo name. There are two types of name one will find there:

  1. Single name. For example: Linux.
  2. Name with more than one word. For example: Visual Studio Code.

For single name, it’s very simple to add:


For more than one word, you have to add a dash (-) between words:


Step 05 : The Logo Color

One can also define a color for logo by doing &logoColor=<color> at the end of the url.


Step 06 : Other Stylings

Other than colors, there are some more styling of the badges:

  • The flat style
  • The Plastic Button style
  • Squared Bold Style
  • Squared Style

One can also add width for the logo by adding &logoWidth=<amount-of-pixels>.

To get a view of my GitHub profile, visit here: Loknath Dhar