man - display a program’s manual page.

man program # program is the name of the command

On most Linux systems, man uses less to display manual page.

The manual that man displays is broken into sections and covers not only user commands but also system administration commands, programming interfaces, file formats and more.

Man page organization:

1user commands
2programming interfaces for kernel system calls
3programming interfaces to the C library
4special files such as device nodes and drivers
5file formats
6games and amusements such as screen savers
8System administration commands
9Obscure kernel specs and interfaces
man section search_item

man 5 passwd

Refer to a specific section of the manual to find what we are looking for.

man -k will perform the same as apropos.

If our system has additional man pages, we can rebuild this file with makewhatis (Red Hat and FreeBSD) or mandb (Ubuntu).


Tools to use alongside man pages

  • apropos